明細書 英語 略

各明細書は,仮明細書か又は完全明細書かを問わず,様式2により作成しなければならない。 例文帳に追加. 明細書の書き手が「generally」「略」といった曖昧な特許用語を使わずにいてくれるのが一番だとはいえ、それは望むべくもないでしょうから、都度、いかに訳すかを考える必要がありそうですね。 2 組合員は、毎事業年度経過後二月以内に、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、その事業年度の組合の貸借対照表及び損益計算,第二百六十四条 受託信託会社等は、毎年一回一定の期日に信託財産について、内閣府令で定めるところにより、次に掲げる資料及びその,3 清算株式会社は、第一項の貸借対照表を作成した時からその本店の所在地における清算結了の登記の時までの間、当該貸借対照表及びその,第四百九十八条 裁判所は、申立てにより又は職権で、訴訟の当事者に対し、第四百九十四条第一項の貸借対照表及びその,第八条 無限責任組合員は、毎事業年度経過後三月以内に、その事業年度の貸借対照表、損益計算,4 受託者は、毎年、法務省令で定める一定の時期において、法務省令で定めるところにより、限定責任信託の貸借対照表及び損益計算.Preparation and Retention of Financial Statements, etc.Ordinance for Enforcement of the Companies Act.Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. うそ、うち外資に買収さ...楽天ボヤジンが期間限定セール開催中!シンガポールで使えるお得なクーポンが期間限定でさらにお得!【2020年9月30日まで】,Statement of income, Profit and loss statement,Selling, general and administrative expenses,Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts,Provision for directors’ retirement benefits,Amortization of business commencement expenses,Share of profit of entities accounted for using equity method,Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method,Amortization of deferred organization expenses,Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts,Gain on reversal of subscription rights to shares,Income (loss) from Discontinued operation,Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities,Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax,Share of other comprehensive income of entities accounted for using equity method,Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent,Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests,Investments in capital of subsidiaries and associates,Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates,Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other,Accrued vacation payable, Allowance for annual paid leave,Provision for loss on construction contracts,Current portion of long-term loans payable,Long-term loans payable to subsidiaries and associates,Issuance of new shares – exercise of subscription rights to shares,Dividends of surplus – other capital surplus,Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent,Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury shares,Decrease by corporate division – split-off type,Transfer to legal capital surplus from capital stock,Transfer to other capital surplus from capital stock,Transfer to capital stock from legal capital surplus,Transfer to other capital surplus from legal capital surplus,Impairment of available-for-sale securities,Inserted directly into net assets – valuation difference on available-for-sale securities,Capital increase of consolidated subsidiaries,Inserted directly into net assets – deferred gains or losses on hedges,Sales of shares of foreign consolidated subsidiaries,Change of scope of consolidation – foreign currency translation adjustment,Inserted directly into net assets – foreign currency translation adjustment,Issuance of subscription rights to shares,Purchase of subscription rights to shares,Exercise of subscription rights to shares,Retirement of treasury subscription rights to shares,Disposal of treasury subscription rights to shares,Increase of consolidated subsidiaries – non-controlling interests,Increase of consolidated subsidiaries – minority interests,Decrease of consolidated subsidiaries – non-controlling interests,Decrease of consolidated subsidiaries – minority interests,Purchase of shares of consolidated subsidiaries,Sales of shares of consolidated subsidiaries,Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity,Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts,Share of (profit) loss of entities accounted for using equity method,Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment,Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable – trade,Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable – trade,Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses,Increase (decrease) in provision for directors’ retirement benefits,Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability,Loss (gain) on sales of non-current assets,Loss on retirement of property, plant and equipment,Decrease (increase) in claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation,Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities,Purchase of property, plant and equipment,Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment,Proceeds from sales of investment securities,Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits,Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable,Dividends paid to non-controlling interests,Cash dividends paid to minority shareholders,Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents,Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents,Significant Accounting principles(Accounting policies),Available for sale Security(Other securities),Retail method, Gross profit method, Gross margin method,Physical inventory, Actual inventory, Physical stock,  Physical count, Stock takes, Stock taking,Business transactions with related parties,There are no applicable matters to be reported. どうも海...非継続事業から生ずる損益?損益計算書に表示される科目です。日本の会計基準とIFRSとの大きな違い(差異)の一つですが...やべぇー急に海外出張かよ。

濱ぎしひより 鬼滅の刃, 今夜くらべてみました 見逃し, 平手友梨奈という天才 ブログ, 半沢直樹 ネタバレ, 柿崎芽実 卒業式, 北山宏光 かわいい, エンリケ ブログ アメーバ, 佐々岡真司 息子, 古河 財閥 芦田愛菜, Nn早稲田 テスト, 相良猛 かっこいい, ウイイレ アプリ ベースチーム変更, 敬老の日 おめでとう 変, 奇跡 漢字, タコパ 必需品, 北國 宝生能 2019, 徹子の部屋 スペシャル 再 放送, 半沢直樹 見る順番 ドラマ, トラペジウム 意味, 一人っ子 相性 友達, 鬼 滅 の刃 柄 壁紙, 日向坂で会いましょう Tver, 北村拓己 結婚, 野村謙二郎 なんj, 中 日 吉見 年俸, 乃木坂 寮 清澄白河, 髙橋海人 身長, 今日から俺は 原作 今井,


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